beee sweet

Happy September
Sunday, September 8, 2013 | 0 comment(s)
Assalammualaikum! Hello world! Happy Monday :) Lama sangat tinggalkan blog ini kan? Sebenarnya rasa malas sangat nak becerita walaupun uolls tahu yang me ni love to talk. Hampir ke penghujung semester III di kolej uitmpp ni. Masih tak get ready for practical. Wah! Rasa cuak, takut and nak menagis pun ada. Dengar cerita ada kawan-2 dari class lain kena reject interview because wear the hijab. Wtfish! Come on la hina sangat apa pakai tudung sampai tak nak ambik? Practical je pun. Annoying sungguh --' Okay malas nak cerita panjang about that topic because im very suck to think about it. Final examination just around the corner. Around 2 weeks more it will be start. I'm not sure my future hehe because now we have a big subject become student failure. Wah! Scaryyyyy ... But inshaAllah if I ready for prepared the final it easy for me to answer it, amin . The importance is solat, sembahyang sunat, usaha, berdoa dan tawakal kepada Allah SWT :) *amin Now, we talk about my life? Ehem-2 its sound look very interesting? Eeyarkk... Please >.< Just short and simple explanation. I'm still single but not available because sometime I don't know my heart actually still function or not. HAHAHAHA. I'm so tired when think about it. Is the one of things make me become a failure for my future, trust me baby! Sometime I feel alone and sometime I feel happy because he always beside on me whether I have a problems or not. But at the same time also, I feel scared and fobia because him also , but why? Its all about "MAN vs BOY" something like shit! Even my friend or my family look me happy, laughing or enjoy but the fact is my heart hurt. Many thing I must do and think. Once you give my heart hurt, you will know how I threat you back. Last not least , I love my all ex boyfriend but I love him more and more. Take note biy :* Wait wait wait , but now when we are happy relation who knows right the "disturb or bitch" comes and play around us. Yeah, come baby comes :) Thank you very much

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